Players: Code of Conduct (U18s)
It is important everyone behaves themselves when playing football.
As a player, you have a big part to play. That's why The FA is asking every player to follow a Respect Code of Conduct.
When playing football, I will:
Always do my best, even if we're losing or the other team is stronger.
Play fairly - I won't cheat, complain or waste time.
Never be rude to my team-mates, the other team, the referee, spectators or my coach/team manager.
Do what the referee tells me.
Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game.
Listen to my coach/team manager and respect what he/she says.
Talk to someone I trust, for example my parents or the club welfare officer if I'm unhappy about anything at my club.
I understand that if I do not follow the code, action may be taken.
West Hallam Junior Football Club
Established 1886
Official Club Sponsor
Recruitment and Selection of Volunteers - Appendix 7
West Hallam Junior Football Club is committed to providing a safe environment for children and young people under the age of 18. The club will follow the guidelines developed by the Football Association on the recruitment and selection of volunteers working with children and young people. All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children and young people. The guidelines below outline the methods the club will use to assist with their recruitment choices.
Stage 1 – Planning
The club will draw up a Job Description for each post identified. A Person Specification will also be prepared highlighting the skills and experience needed to fulfil the post.
Stage 2 – Advertising
The post will be advertised in the local community centres and schools. Occasionally a post may be advertised in the local press. Whatever method of advertising is used will not discriminate in terms of age, race, gender or disability.
Stage 3 – Application Form
The club will use application forms to collect information about applicants for voluntary posts. This will ensure consistency of approach. Applicants will also be asked to confirm their identity through their passport or driving licence. A minimum of two club committee members will look at the applications to ensure fairness.
Stage 4 – Meeting/Interview
A short meeting will be held with applicants to explore further the information contained in the application form. A minimum of two club committee members will be present to ask questions at the meeting. Questions to the applicant will be prepared in advance of the meeting.
Stage 5 - References
Applicants will be asked to provide two references from individuals who are not related to them before any appointment is made. If possible the references should demonstrate that the individual has experience of working with children or young people.
Stage 6 – Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) Disclosures​
The club will carry out a CRB check through the Football Association as a final check in the recruitment process. This will confirm whether the applicant is a suitable person to work with children and young people